28 March 2009

Getting more irregular, blaming Twitter

Well, it's not that nothing happened, in fact much too much has happened (no serious travelling though), but I haven't written about any of it. I do spend too much time on Twitter these days, where contact is more immediate and visible. Besides that, I like having the constraint of having to limit myself to 140 characters, since I'm prone to rambling on. But, yes, I should be here more often too, trying to improve my writing, and maybe -just maybe, not completely sure about it just yet- provide some in-depth insights into my incoherent mind :)

And for those who don't like too many words, here's a pretty pic to look at. Ain't life grand?

02 January 2009

New Year

Originally uploaded by pigletssister
Well, here we are, 2009... (and a year older too, since my birthday wasn't long before NYE) Guess I'll just have to wait and see what the year brings, and luckily I already know one thing it won't... Should be travelling somewhat, taking pics (haven't done much the last couple of weeks, just got frustrated at less than perfect circumstances, or total and complete lack of time), and trying to do some useful things as well :)

One good thing it will bring, is that a pic/some pics of mine will be used for an album/dvd? cover, who knows, that might be my big break (or not, oh well). Guess I'll get back to work now, wishing you all the best in the new year!