18 December 2008

Running around

PA250120 cropped
Originally uploaded by pigletssister
Gosh, I just realised, that after work today I'll be busy all the time until Sunday evening (late), and then I have to work on Monday morning at 8:30... Have to do laundry tonight, so I'll have dry clothes tomorrow morning, have to be in Utrecht at around 1pm, so I can be in Ermelo before 15:30, and after the Christmasparty from work I'll go straight to Utrecht, to do callcenter stuff until 4am (hey, it's for charity, and we all do crazy stuff from time to time). Then Saturday, with at least 3 different options for filling the day, finishing it off by going out. Sunday can start slowly, have to be at the callcenter again at 2pm, doing my stuff there until 10pm, before catching the train home. And next week I'll have to squeeze in some Christmas shopping, since the family will come to my place the 26th. *sigh* Good thing I like most things I've planned, otherwise it would be pretty difficult days to get through...

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